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Giraffe Road blocks


An average day starts at dawn with tea and a morning Tea and a morning game drive. Back to the lodge for a wonderful breakfast of freshly baked bread, local coffee. During the heat of the day, when the wildlife is at rest, you can also relax by the pool if necessary. In the afternoon, when the wildlife comes alive again, go on an afternoon game drive. In certain areas, full-day game drives, a bush walk, a night drive or other activities can be planned. In the evening, everyone gathers to swap stories from the bush over drinks and speculate on what tomorrow will bring ... well we don't know, but we can assure you it will be exciting.


Things to know


The reason for a safari is to experience the bush and the animals. Wildlife, some African mammals can become aggressive when confronted, for example elephants, buffaloes, hippos, lions and leopards. However, incidents such as these are very rare and can usually be avoided by behaving wisely. If you are in your safari vehicle, you are safe. If you are on foot, the basic rule: stay away from areas unless you are sure there are no animals, and stay away from animals you see. Any animal of some size can become aggressive if it feels threatened or if their young are threatened. An animal may not behave aggressively even though it knows you are there. If you are far enough away, it does not feel threatened by you. But if you move closer, this can change.


Animals in camps


You may meet animals, especially like monkeys and mongoose, on foot in lodges or tented camps. These animals are rarely dangerous, but they are wild, so keep your distance from them. Even though they behave as they are tame, they can use teeth and claws if they feel threatened. Also keep unattended doors and windows to your room closed to prevent monkeys and ground squirrels looking for food. If you move around camp at night, you can ask a guard to accompany you. Nights are less safe for you, even inside the lodge (unless the lodge is fenced). Wildlife from the surrounding bush may come into the area at night when the lodge is quiet.


Do not run away from predators


If you encounter a large predator on foot, do not run away. Running can signal hunting to the predator and is also quite pointless as the animal runs twice as fast. If there are two or more of you, move close together. The predator may then see you as one big opponent instead of a few small ones. In your tent and camp, a predator is usually just passing through. Let it pass. Then inform a guard or other staff that there are predators. A predator that gets too close to you gets a signal that you don't like it. Scream. Be dangerous. Throw stones at it if it gets too close.




















Walking safaris


Meeting animals on foot is part of the walking safari. Most animals will move away when they become aware of you. Walking safaris in wildlife areas should always be accompanied by an armed ranger. When walking near lakes or rivers where crocodiles can be found, you should stay at least 5m away from the water's edge. Crocodiles have good camouflage and can hide in the water in order to bring down prey on land




It is rare to see snakes on safari. Most snakes will try to get out of your way if they notice you. But not all, and some East African species have strong or even deadly venoms. You should always see where you are going and use a torch at night. Snakes do not bite because they are evil, but because they are afraid or feel threatened. For safety reasons, stay at least two snake lengths away from any snake that you cannot identify as harmless. Never attempt to handle a snake unless you know what you are doing. Apparently dead snakes may not be dead at all and should not be approached. The only snakes that people may consider prey are very large pythons, But they are not seen very often. Do not leave children unattended where there are pythons.


Other reptiles and amphibians


There are no poisonous lizards or frogs in East Africa. The largest lizard, the Nile monitor is shy but is capable of biting if cornered. Wash your hands after handling reptiles or amphibians.


Insects and creeping things


You don't see many insects or creeping things during the dry seasons. More of them appear in rainy seasons (including beautiful ones like butterflies). The same goes for mosquitoes, which can infect you with malaria, a life-threatening disease if not treated properly. Mosquitoes thrive in humid and warm areas and are most common in rainy seasons, near rivers and lakes, and on the coast. The mosquitoes that can carry malaria are active at night. Tsetse flies, which are active during the day, can infect you with sleeping sickness. Their bites hurt a lot and are reason enough to chase flies out of your vehicle. Avoid storing food in your room or tent as it can attract ants.



Bush Breakfast
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